Kiss They met in the fields, the disapproving looks from her parents made him uneasy even if they kept their distance , he didn’t know what to do or how to tell her the truth, he looked into her eyes for one last time. He knew he won’t be able to look into her eyes again, she will be someone else’s. She asked him why he called her here, he lied by saying it’s just to see...
You want a girl ?
So after joining the new college I figured out something about my new classmates and I will be generalizing now. Little background- my class has approx only 20 people from Bangalore/Karnataka while everyone else is either from Gujarat/Bihar. I have nothing against these states ,in fact I know some awesome people from such places through Twitter. So this post is dedicated to all those people from...
Second Day- Jai ABVP!
Little bit of new stuff here and there makes me want to type them out so that someone can just read about it and more importantly I can read about it. Today I had to stand in bus for like hour and I was saved by the track – Seduction by Eminem and some other tracks by the dude. Another thing I found out was that I am the dumbest guy in my class when it comes to academics( not good at all)...
First Day
Yes, the title is very short but I am sure most of you must have guessed what’s it about for those of you who haven’t – I am just going to tell about how my first day of college went. In short HORRIBLE. But one fact that I noticed that everyone hated it. I joined Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering. My day started by me getting into a Volvo bus to college, for some...
Don’t kill yourself because you failed

This might be my first meaningful post and it’s a bit saddening one. A few days ago I saw that some 9th grader went and killed himself because he scored very less marks and his parents used to taunt him. Those situations are really worse than the dude dying by some truck running him over. His parents have to live forever with the guilt that its their fault and its they who...