“Create pictures that will make you regret not remembering those moments” – George. It’s during college days that most beings go explore the world and by the time they graduate they would have probably seen a handful of mainstream areas with a few small gems thrown in here and there. I am a person who craves minimum attention but at the same time strives to be unique...
” Every being has its dark side”; I tend to believe that there is a dark side to everyone and by dark, I am not referring to a psychopath or a sadistic personality trait. Our country has created an image where women aren’t safe and are prone to being harassed. From what I could gather from various Reddit comments in multiple threads, India is just a vile country filled with...
Second Chatper
A lot of people we meet in our lives never get a second shot at life, most of them have one chance. I am among the extremely fortunate ones who has been blessed with another chance. Quite a number of people to whom I have disclosed certain incidents in my life has told me that it is indeed interesting and worth writing about, it was what gave me a push to writing, other reason being the fact that...
Fail Hard
By this time, it's quite obvious that I am terrible at coming up with appropriate yet catchy titles. So if anyone is interested in making catchy titles for me then kindly send me your resume.
A personal incident provoked me to write this, for those of you who don't know - I am terrible in my academics, that guy in the class who is just not supposed to be there.
Fading World

Memories fade, it’s very hard to remember certain things in our life, no matter how hard you try, memories wither away slowly. Try as much as you may, certain things aren’t supposed to be remembered so vividly, your brain makes sure you forget it, even of you don’t want to. How does it prioritize? I recall a world. A world in war, where luck and skill are required for you to see...