So I have acquired the Humble Origin Bundle which is an amazing deal for the money. But I realized I don’t need the Origin serial codes as I will never download it and then download the games, so I decided to give those keys away to someone who can’t acquire the bundle for some reason. So just leave a comment if you want it and I will send you the code for whatever game from the bundle you asked for. But if you can buy it then do so as they need the money or you have the option to give it to charity.
Available Games
Dead Space
Dead Space 3
Command and Conquer : Red Alert 3 : Uprising
Medal of Honor
Mirror’s Edge
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Burnout Paradise : Ultimate Box
I might be able to get some more codes, so cross your fingers and wait 🙂
medal of honor plz
Done. Should I send you the origin code to the email ID you entered while entering the comment?
yes plz
I would like Dead Space 3.
Done. Should I send you the origin code to the email ID you entered while entering the comment?
Yes. Thank you. 🙂
hi, i want the crysisi 2 please
my email is the
my origin is claudesp33d
Crysis 2, done.
hello, i would like to get Command and Conquer : Red Alert 3 : Uprising
thank you very much
Done. I will send it to the email ID you entered when commenting?
hello, i would like to get Command and Conquer : Red Alert 3 : Uprising and Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
thank you very much
my email is
origin is claudesp33d
One game per person. You get Crysis 2
Mirror’s Edge please? 🙂
Done. Will send the code to the email ID you entered while commenting?
Hi, could I have Red alert 3? I can’t get the bundle as my credit card is maxed out and I don’t have enough money for a pre-paid card ( I don’t have any money ). Could you please give it to me? Many thanks. Add me on steam: CrankcaseDOTM
I have only Dead Space left, sorry, will ask a friend and get back to you 🙂
Or you could email me at:
please, can you give me the burnout paradise the ultimate box key? thanks
Can i hav Dead Space 3 Plz?
Since its called ifart ima post with my iphone too
Can i haz that dead space 3? Plz
crysis 2 please
is anything avialable ?
Dead Space is available
How did those people post on the 25th?
And i posted on 26th?
I posted my request yday 25th before and there was no other post!
I have to approve the comments to be displayed. So yeah first come first serve basis.
hello, you told me it’s done but i didnt receive any code at this email
please verifiy ur self
pleaase after reviewing the first post i made, i saw the i made a mistake in email instead of i worte” the”
please resend me the key , if u sent it to that email, it’s not mine
Hi, can I have populous please? You can email it to the email I entered while posting this comment
Check mail 🙂
Hi! Could i please have Crysis 2: Maximum edition, and if you can, Burnout Paradise. I would really appreciate these games. (Crysis 2 is a higher priority)
Cheers bro,
I got medal of honor
thank u i really appreciate it
I got code thank you 🙂
I redeemed the code, it worked. Thank you very much.
thank you very much, now i got crysis two, it works very goood, thank you a lot man ,i will make sure to check tihs site more often
thanks a lot i got Red alert 3 i redeemed it and now it’s downloading
thank you very much
Thanks bro, got Populous, works great!
Seeing as Dead Space is the only one available ill take that!
Cheers man i got the game.
Thanks again!
hey 🙂
its awesome that you are making sutch a nice giveaway 🙂
if deadspace is still available it would be nice if i could get it ^^
ty 🙂