I am pretty excited to say that the site is ready. I have given a small introduction and all those blah blah stuff in this page , which I think you should simply go glance through. Although it may seem a bit easy to do all this, for me it wasn’t. I did have to think and redo things because I am new to all this. I am sure most of you are wondering why I chose this particular domain name – well I couldn’t think of anything else. See that’s the answer. Before I go on I have show my gratitude towards a few people who helped me in with this (there is no particular order) :-
Kishan Gor – For clearing my doubts and giving me the idea for the domain.
Chandu -My awesome buddy who used his sister’s bank details to buy me this domain
Abhijoy Sarkar – Even though he meant it as a joke, he gave me the whole “fart” idea
Karan Raj Baruah – Even though I don’t know him much, he suggested the host (Free one, BTW feel free to buy a paid one)
Karan Sharma – For suggesting hosts + clearing a few doubts.
As for the site, I don’t know what I am going to post or anything as of now but I shall post at least once in a week. Also as of now there are no plans to put ads or anything and even if I do it will only be to get little money to pay for a better host.
If there are any issues or suggestions please do get in touch.

im the first commenter OOSHU!!!! 😀 😀
looking forward to reading your articles! 🙂
Big Bear Hug